Hello all,
I apologize for the lack of consistent posting of late. I have been traveling quite a bit for work but due to the holidays I will actually be home (hopefully blogging!) most of the next few weeks. Also the title lies...I wont be sharing my inner most dreams..but I will share some army lists!
Anyway....some highlights!
First off the "Great Fall" league has ended, I attempted to try out some variants of my list which did not do so well and I ended up missing out on the finals. However! I got some good games in which I am sorry to say I wont be battle reporting.
On to other things though. I also attended the 11th Company GT in Myrtle Beach, SC. which was by far the best GT I have ever attended. I was a bit turned off on the idea of going due to the 8 hour drive but my buddy Birdux and I road tripped it down and it was a blast! I ended up 5-2 (my loss of consequence in round 4 was actually to Alex Bessinger who ended up winning the whole shebang! I also got a chance to play a good friend Ordo-Bob who plays my most hated of rival armies Chaos Daemons. (fun fact I actually lose almost exclusively to chaos daemons at GT's...) I would post my battle reports for the 11th company now but I still out of town and do not have my game notes with me. I will hopefully get around to posting the reports of the 7 games this weekend so keep your eyes peeled for another post soon!! I want to do a shoutout to Birdux though for winning best painted at the 11th company and making top bracket all with his very nasty spawntide chaos space marine army, so to anyone who thinks CSM are dead...you should check out his blog over at birdux.blogspot.com.
As a teaser for anyone who reads my blog and is curious about the 11th company games my list is below:
Farseer: Shard of Anaris, runes of witnessing, jetbike, Warlord (rolled on iyanden traits woot woot)
9x warlocks on bikes w/ 2 spears
5x3 windrider units
wraith knight
3x dark reapers w/ exarch, fast shot, night vision, and s8 missiles all around
imperial bastion w/ quad gun
Tau Commander w/ iridium, multispectrum, puretide chip, 2x fusion gun, target lock, vectored retro thruster
1x10 kroot
riptide w/ early warning override, fusion gun, heavy burst cannon, and velocity tracker
So it was pretty similar to most of my lists. I actually have no complaints btw of how the army worked. I know most who look at it go "ewww Eldrad and buff commander are soo slow!" but honestly if you pay attention to where you place your models and consider where you want to be on later turns early then its not a problem. I have actually fairly consistently used him since the new book came out and I have not once had a game where he caused me to lose because he was too slow. It takes extra thought which is something most bandwagon eldar council players dont want to deal with. But I rarely leave home without him. However as I contemplate returning to the realm of 1850 games I am debating actually giving him up just to avoid losing other things.
I have also been toying with a grey knight list with some eldar allies:
xenos inquis w/ grenades
tech marine w/ grenades
7xdeathcult assasin w/ axe/mace, 2x crusader w/ axe, 1x banisher
7xdeathcult assasin w/ axe/mace, 2x crusader w/ axe, 1x banisher
Storm raven w/ las cannon and multi melta
Storm raven w/ las cannon and multi melta
3xwarrior acolyte in a rhino
sky sheild landing pad
2x5 dire avengers in serpent w/ scatter, ghostwalk matrix, shuriken cannon
wraith knight
I like that I would get to use some of my currently painted elements (all the eldar stuff) and I actually have access to most of the required grey knight items. I plan to convert the deathcults from some spare dark eldar kits I have sitting around and the crusaders I will probably just buy since i actually like those models. Anway stay tuned for the 11th Company battle report to come this weekend.
Lastly I want to shout a big "Good luck!" to all the NOVA players I know going to Da Boyz this weekend! I wish you all the best of luck in your games and I hope one of you brings home the gold!