It's about 24 hours before the first game of the invitational and I couldn't be more excited! This will be my first time participating in the invitational but lets take a look at the last year.
Last year I was a relatively untested (competitive player, I had played for years in basements and hobby stores but rarely entered the tournament scene). I participated in the NOVA Open GT last year as my first real GT event and I performed pretty well (about 26th over all and in the second bracket) I met quite a few people at that event namely my now close friend Birdux whose blog you can check out here: birdux.blogspot.com. I spent a good many evenings playing 40k with him and a few others and I decided that the competitive side of 40k was definitely something I enjoyed. So I attended several other major events (Killadelphia, SVDM, and the IFL Road to the NOVA Open League). I attended these events hoping to win myself an invitational ticket, which I did manage to do! I am very proud of that accomplishment, I set a goal and I met it.
The Invitational has a long list of very strong players all playing incredibly tough lists I am sure, it is my hope that I will perform decently well (basically I just don't want to be the one guy that goes 0/5!) I have, what I think is a very strong list this year. As far as the GT I am hoping to fight my way into the top 16 this year. Hopefully my Farseers will guide me through the twisting paths of fate and lead me to victory! In any case, the best of luck to everyone who is attending and I hope to see you all out there! To any loyal readers who want to chat about all the cool things Eldar do, I will be around all day as I am attending both the invite, GT and I will actually be helping to judge the trios event so I will be in the hall from pretty much 7am-midnight every day.
Looking forward to seeing you again! I've got to head home, get packed, and get to the rally point for the carpool early tomorrow! Have a good one, see you soon!