Sunday, June 2, 2013

First Post!!

Hi guys,

So this is my first time blogging...but most of the gamers in my area blog so I figured I should do this too. At the very least it is a nice location for me to post my lists and you never know maybe someone is interested in how I play warhammer 40k. Anyway this blog will pretty much only contain posts about Warhammer 40k and primarily my reports and list concepts will be centered around my Eldar. I have been playing 40k for about 13 years now and 10 of that has been with my beloved Eldar. With the new book I thought it would be good to start keeping track of my ideas and that's enough introductions I am going to first go over my usual list (up until the new codex and then I will go over my plans to modify the list for the new codex).

My passion all through 5th edition and the past year of 6th has been all about my Eldar JetSeer lists. In 5th edition I ran 2 seer councils with some fire prism and guardian jetbike support. However when 6th edition came out the call of the giant 10 man council became far too much to resist. So up until yesterday I was running my standard list as Eldar main with Dark Eldar allies.

The List:

        RoW, RoW, Spirit Stones, Jetbike, Fortune, Doom, Mind War

        RoW, RoW, Spirit Stones, Jetbike, (4 powers dropped for divination/telepathy fun times)

10x Warlocks
        Jetbikes, 4 Destructors, 1 enhance, 1 embolden, 3 spears

3x guardian jet bike

3x guardian jet bike

3x guardian jet bike

5x Fire Dragons
         exarch, tank hunter, crackshot

Imperial Bastion

Baron Sathonyx

20x Kabalite Warriors
        2x splinter cannon

Void Raven Bomber
          flicker field

Now this was my standard 1850 list. I had fairly solid success (winning most RTT's I attended) and I performed decently well at SVDM. I will be attending Killadelphia in a few weeks with a variation of this list hence my desire to post it, also I wanted to have this up here as a starting point so readers can understand my play style and see how/why my future lists are built the way they are.

Now this post is getting fairly long but please bear with me because I want to post up the new version of this using not only the new codex but also taking advantage of the lovely Tau Ally force I was working on before this codex dropped in my lap.

THE NEW LIST!! (Yay new codex!!)

Farseer (warlord, id rather roll than take eldrads mediocre power!)
      RoW, RoW, jet bike


9x Warlock
     9x jet bikes, 3x spear

3x guardian jet bike

3x guardian jet bike

3x guardian jet bike

Fire Prism

Fire Prism

Tau Allies!

            2x shield drone, 2x fusion gun, target lock, vectored retro, puretide engram, iridium armor

           Ion Accel, SMS, Early warning override

10x Kroot Squad
            1x kroot hound

10x Kroot Squad
            1x kroot hound

Sky Ray
          SMS, Black sun filter, sensor spine


So the idea is fairly similar to my old build except for the obvious problem of having to roll for fortune...which isn't that terrible (7 rolls means nearly every game I will have it, but sadly that 1 or 2 games will probably mean that I won't be using this for any GT's in the near future). I will find out in the next few weeks if this is worth the risk or not as I am playing this list for the upcoming IFL Road to the Nova Open league. The plan is fairly obvious, get fortune...twin link everything with guides and presciences and hurray.. The council assuming I make the fortune roll is actually going to be better now since the warlock powers have huge (basically limitless) potential. I can just imagine my opponents shock when not only are they still on their rerollable 3+ armor and 4+ invuln..but now with a warlock power that on 9 rolls is fairly likely to get they will have a 2+ armor and with the premaris power being shrouded I can keep my turbo boosted 2+ cover. I forsee no longer having any trouble with those silly dragons trying to crisp my warlocks. Also just an after thought...I may try and see if a Wraithknight with a scatter laser will work better than the fire prisms, I am rather partial to large MC's...well I'll have to try it in my casual games and let you guys know since my list for IFL is set.

 But anyway I will try to post my battle reports for the next six weeks and we will see what comes of it.

I think this is a long enough first post...

Good night guys!


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